Commercial Disputes representation:
- preliminary legal review of client’s documents and legal positions of the parties;
- drafting claims, handling documents for the dispute settlement in a pre-trial order;
- drafting settlement agreement;
- gathering data for commercial court proceedings, completion of procedural documents (statements of claim, appeals, cassation complaints, applications for review of court decisions by way of supervision, amicable agreements, petitions, reviews);
- submission of documents to the court, representation at the hearing in the first, appeal, cassation and supervisory instances;
- legal assistance at the stage of enforcement proceedings;
- proceedings on cases involving foreign persons;
- legal assistance in recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions in Russia;
- legal assistance in recognition and enforcement of the Russian courts’ decisions abroad;
- recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, contesting arbitral awards;
- recognition and enforcement of international commercial arbitrations’ awards, contesting international commercial arbitrations’ awards.